Home All OthersFood & Supplements 22 Sea Buckthorn Benefits for Your Heath and Beauty

22 Sea Buckthorn Benefits for Your Heath and Beauty

by Delarno D.
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Sea Buckthorn Benefits

Sea Buckthorn is a plant in which the seeds, leaves, flowers and fruits are used to make alternative medicine and is sometimes referred to as the holy fruit of the Himalayas. It offers many benefits ranging from supporting your heart to protecting against diabetes, skin damage and aging. Sea buckthorn’s is the most potent plant source in the world for the highly coveted elusive omega 7 fatty acid and it also has omega 3, 6 and 9.

This rare omega is undergoing clinical research worldwide uncovering impressive advantages for overall wellbeing, cardiovascular health, oral and digestive care, and wonderful beauty benefits for glowing hair, skin, and nails. Sea buckthorn contains the strongest antioxidant profile of all superfruits and has over 190 phytonutrients.

In this article, you will learn 22 benefits of sea buckthorn for your health and beauty.Sea Buckthorn Powder

  1. May Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Animal studies found that Sea buckthorn oil may help may help prevent diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels and increasing insulin secretion and sensitivity. A recent small human study showed it may help minimize blood sugar spikes after a high carb meal. This is really good news considering long-term blood sugar spikes is a major risk of type 2 diabetes, preventing them is a sure way to reduce your risk. In another small 2010 study published by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers discovered that sea buckthorn may help regulate blood sugar and protect against type 2 diabetes.

  1. Promotes Hair Health

Sea Buckthorn is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K which promote hair elasticity and stronger hair in addition to aiding in collagen production. The rare omega 7 in sea buckthorn is responsible for making the hair glow. Sea Buckthorn can help restore, protect and polish the hair.

  1. Anti-aging

Sea buckthorn has anti-aging properties and helps repairs oxidative damage. It promotes the formation of collagen which is a structural protein essential for youthful skin. The nutrients promote faster cellular regeneration which can strengthen your skin and restore its elasticity. Sea Buckthorn helps prevent wrinkles which makes a person look older. If looking younger is what you’re aiming for, try adding Sea Buckthorn into your diet.

  1. Promotes Skin Health

Sea Buckthorn has valuable anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and redness associated with many skin conditions, like rosacea and psoriasis, and can be applied to the skin as well as consumed by mouth. Sea Buckthorn hydrates the skin which can also reduce symptoms caused by these conditions such as flaky or itchy skin. It can help heal burns, bedsores, frostbite, dermatitis, soften the skin and protect against dryness. Sea Buckthorn is a “catch all” when it comes to improving skin health.

  1. Fights Eczema

In a 1999 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Sea buckthorn supplement has been found to be able to treat atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema that makes your skin red and itchy. Among 49 participants with atopic dermatitis, researchers observed considerable improvement among those who supplemented sea buckthorn pulp oil every day for 4 months.

  1. Improves High Blood Pressure

The seeds and of Sea Buckthorn are rich in quercetin which is a flavonoid that has been used as an alternative treatment to lower pressure. Research shows that taking sea buckthorn for up to 8 months may act in a similar way as blood pressure drugs to reduce high blood pressure. 

  1. Improves Blood Cholesterol

Research shows that Sea Buckthorn can reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in people with poor heart health- but not in healthy participants. Sea buckthorn can help increase the good cholesterol and decrease the bad cholesterol.

  1. Helps Manage Heart Disease

Sea Buckthorn can help manage heart disease due to its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels however, in healthy participants the levels were less pronounced. Sea Buckthorn is also full of antioxidants and other nutrients that help protect the body against heart disease.

  1. Speeds up Wound Healing

Animal-based study demonstrated that topical application of sea buckthorn oil may promote wound healing. It was discovered in a 2009 study in Food and Chemical Toxicology that topically applied sea buckthorn seed oil accelerates the healing of burn wounds in rats.

  1. May Help Fight Cancer

The antioxidants and flavonoids contained in sea buckthorn may help prevent cancer cells from developing along with fighting the disease. In a study published in the Frontiers in Pharmacology, it was also found that seaberries accelerates the recovery of patients receiving chemotherapy by significantly improving the functions of the immune system and relieving hematological damage. Some test-tube and animal studies showed sea buckthorn extracts may prevent the production and spread of cancer cells.

  1. Boosts Immune System

The flavonoids in sea buckthorn are beneficial plant compounds that can help boost the immune system by increasing resistance to illness. It contains 10 times the amount of vitamin C than citrus fruits which helps the immune system.

  1. Helps Heal Respiratory Viruses and the Flu

Sea buckthorn has been used as an alternative treatment to help heal respiratory viruses and the flu. It helps your body prevent infections due to all the nutrients that fight free radicals and boost the immune system.

  1. Reduces Cirrhosis Symptoms

There have been some research studies completed on people with liver disease both related and non-related to alcohol. in both studies the people were given sea buckthorn and their blood markers showed the liver function significantly increased. 

  1. Improves Eye Health

The intake of Sea Buckthorn can improve eye health by reducing redness and burning. Early research shows that using an eyelid spray containing sea buck thorn can help reduce dry eyes.

  1. Alleviates Depression Symptoms

Animal studies found that sea buckthorn may have antidepressant effects. It is believed that it may have the same effects on human; human research is currently underway.Sea Buckthorn Benefits

  1. May Help Reduce Joint Inflammation

Sea buckthorn may reduce joint inflammation although more studies need to be conducted. This would be a huge benefit for people that suffer from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

  1. Relieves Menopause Symptoms

Some women tend to suffer from vaginal dryness during menopause and cannot take estrogen. Sea buckthorn may be beneficial as an alternative treatment for this condition.

  1. May Reduce Ulcers

There are some promising studies that show sea buckthorn may help slow the growth of ulcers.

  1. Helps with Dyspepsia Symptoms

According to early research, taking sea buckthorn may help children with functional dyspepsia (pain in the middle of the stomach) regulate their appetite.

  1. Helps Improve Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that indicate kidney damage. There’s some promising research that shows when sea buckthorn is taken by mouth along with standard car, it can help improve appetite, reduce swelling and the amount of protein in the urine in people with nephrotic syndrome.

  1. Weight Loss Aid

Sea buckthorn may aid in weight loss by helping to prevent the storage excess fat. Weight loss is beneficial to your overall health as it reduces your symptoms from other disease like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

  1. Loaded with Nutrients

Sea Buckthorn provides every essential fatty acid with omega-3, 6, 7 and 9 as well as a host of vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn is a popular alternative remedy for a variety of ailments. It can help all of us regain our health and prevent us from getting diagnosed with additional disorders and diseases.

When sea buckthorn is eaten raw it can taste very tart and is easiest to find in a supplement form. Farmers as well as celebrity chefs are becoming more innovative and beginning to pant sea buckthorn trees so in the years to come this super food may be readily available.

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