Home Tech & ScienceEducation 5 Best College Degrees for a Bright Financial Future

5 Best College Degrees for a Bright Financial Future

by Delarno
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5 Best College Degrees for a Bright Financial Future

Best College Degrees for the Future

Evaluating many college degrees to choose just one which offer a bright financial future is not that easy. Colleges and universities in the United States offer bachelor, master and doctoral programs. Deciding which program to enter can be difficult, especially when there are so many schools to choose from.

However, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides some important statistics which can help us compare and decide. These professions not pay well but will also continue to be on demand in the future.The Future of Cash - Will It Disappear Or Become Obsolete?

5 College Degrees that will continue to be in demand

  1. Education: Regardless of the situation, people will continue to go to school to learn. And for these schools to function successfully, they need good teachers/professors. The same agency, BLS, estimates that the number of teaching positions will continue to be on demand and more jobs will be constantly created in this field. A bachelor’s degree in education could be a good choice to ensure you get a job after graduation. Education is the 5th best college degrees to consider if you are looking for a profession which offers peace of mind knowing you will not get fired easily.
  2. Computer Science :It is no secret that the world is becoming more technologically oriented. Jobs in Computer Science and different areas of technology will continue to be on demand. According to the BLS, between 2006 and 2016, more than 900,000 jobs were available in computer systems and data, computer engineering, network system maintenance and network management. A bachelor’s degree in information systems, computer programming or computer engineering can help you get a good career in the future.
  3. Finance: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that more than 600,000 jobs were created in the finance industry between 2006 and 2016. This includes finance accounting college degrees. For instance, Bachelor’s or master’s degrees in business administration, as well as a two-year college degrees in accounting. In another advantage is the fact financial services are needed in every institution; having a master degree in finance will not only help you get a reliable job but well-paying one.
  4. Nursing:With the aging of the US population and new technology which allow them to live longer, hospital staff will continuously have to increase in order to handle the higher number of patients. Between 2006 and 2016, BLS estimates more than 1.7 million nursing positions were filled. Jobs for nurses, nursing assistants, nurses and nurses are constantly on demand. Having college degrees in nursing could be a good choice for a stable job in the future.
  5. Pharmacology:This is one of the highest college degrees in the United States. From a bachelor degree in pharmacology you can start making money; the salary ranges improve once you acquire higher degrees. Professional pharmacists have been in demand in pharmaceutical laboratories, pharmacies and hospitals. Depending on the level of education, you can earn a median salary of $105,000.

In addition to this article, you may need to consult with a career counselor for specific information. The school counselors are specialist in the education systems, trades and occupations, and the labor market. They work with young people and adults who have to make an educational decision, professional projects, return to school, successful integration or a socio-professional reintegration. They can provide you with better information on the field you are planning to study.

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