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7 Cancer Causing Things You Do Every Day

by Delarno
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7 Cancer Causing Things You Do Every Day

There are 100s known causes that can lead to development of cancer, and scientists constantly discover new factors. Knowing these risks can surely help you to take necessary steps to reduce your possibility to hear this sad sentence from your physician: “I am sorry, you have cancer.” Discover top 7 cancer causing foods, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, as well as cancer causing chemicals in tobacco, we face every day.

7. Using Tanning Booths

Feeling a bit pale? Tanning beds are NOT the answer - Cape Cod HealthcareExposure to ultraviolet rays scattered by the tanning booths are at the origin of many aggressive cancers of the skin. Although these rays are naturally released by the sun, reason to avoid prolonged sun-exposure, artificial rays of tanning booths are more dangerous to your health.

Last July, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published a report which shows ultraviolet (UV) radiation-emitting tanning devices is a dangerous form of cancer-causing radiation. It is among the most hazardous cancer causing substances including plutonium and certain types of radium. The risk to develop melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is higher among individuals who use sunbeds before age 30.


6. Prolonged Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

Although it is common in western countries for physicians to recommend Hormone replacement therapy to treat menopause symptoms – hot flashes, osteoporosis, and others – the drugs can lead to serious health problems. The therapy has been shown to increase the risk of endometrial cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. In addition to these cancers, MHT can cause urinary incontinence, dementia, stroke, blood clots, and heart attack.

Even when these life-threatening medical conditions do not occur, abusing certain drugs during menopause can make a woman to experience a drop in the hormones “estrogen” and “progesterone”, leading to the development of unpleasant adverse reactions such as intimate dryness and mood swings. To relieve these effects Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often recommended. Nevertheless, in 2003 some studies by the National Cancer Institute have shown that in the long term, hormonal treatment increases the risk of breast cancer, and others.

The good news is that these HRTs can now be followed on short periods and be re-evaluated every year. It is therefore important not to exceed the dose prescribed and respect the medical monitoring required to limit the risks.

5. Untreated Chronic Gastritis

Chronic GastritisGastritis is a non malignant inflammation and irritation of the lining of the stomach. But when it remains untreated and complicated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection the inflammation can become cancerous. Infection with the bacterium H. pylori affects 20 to 50% of the population; some cases turn into stomach cancer. The infection can start from an early age, and tends to cause:

  • Excessive burping
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abnormal weight loss
  • Persistent feeling bloated
  • Lack of appetite, or anorexia.

To prevent this serious complication it is important not to let the bacteria turn into chronic gastritis; it may remain throughout life and eventually develop into cancerous tumor. If you experience any of these symptoms above talk to your health care provider for possible treatment.

4. Daily Consumption of Alcohol

Just behind the tobacco, alcohol is the second risk factor leading to the development of cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, colon, breast and liver. It contains ethanol, a powerful carcinogen. There is no other way; this carcinogenic drink must be avoided to limit the risk of suffering from these cancers.

Regardless of the cool commercials the producers use to mislead the mass, there are no health benefits in drinking alcohol. Numerous studies show the average consumption of one drink per day increases the risk. The danger changes according to the amount of alcohol contained in the beverage consumed. When smoking cigarette is associated with this unhealthy habit, the risk is more than triple.

3. Smoking Cigarette and Tobacco Use – Two Powerful Cancer Causing Products

This is not new to anyone; we all know that cigarette smoking and tobacco use are the two leading cause of most preventable diseases and death in developing countries like the United States. The unhealthy habit causes a variety of cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, stroke, …; chronic lung diseases, emphysema and bronchitis; pregnancy-related problems such as urinary tract infection (UTI), anemia, depression, ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes, placenta abnormalities, miscarriage, and others.Obese people more likely to smoke, says new gene research: WHO | | UN News

According the American Lung Association, there are more than 7,000 cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes, including arsenic, lead, and tar. “Every year in the United States more than 480,000 people die from tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.” This is a serious problem even for non-smokers. This deadly substance is the most known risk factor. Tobacco is responsible for 25% of cancer deaths.

The best option is to stop smoking. “Even if you have been smoking for years and even if your tobacco consumption is high, it is never too late for you to stop. This will save not only your life but also non smokers’ you expose to the cancer causing chemicals.

2. Eating Too Much Red Meat and Sodium – Cancer Causing Foods

It was news last month that a mega study has found red meat is a cancer causing food. Consuming it favors the development of many cancers. High sodium intake is also associated with an increased for developing stomach cancer. It is therefore important to avoid them in your diet if you want to live a cancer-free life. Reduce the amount of salt used in your cooking. Ideal is to use the “Pink Himalayan Salt”, which is good for your body. It is also ideal to regularly consume foods rich in dietary fiber such as Non-GMO fruits, vegetables, and pulses. All cancer causing foods, including GMO foods, must be completely eliminated in your diet.

According to the University of California San Francisco, here is a list of high-sodium foods that we tend to eat daily:

  • Salted nuts
  • Beans canned with salt added
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies.

1 . Cancer Causing Viruses and Bacteria

Chronic or Persistent HPV infection, most frequently types 16 and 18, may lead to precancerous lesions, and then cervical cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, it is important to treat or prevent exposure to all types of cancer causing viruses which increase your risk to be diagnosed with any form of malignancy. Cancer of 4 Ways to Recognize HPV in Women (Human Papillomavirus) - wikiHowthe cervix related papillomavirus (HPV) can be prevented by vaccination, as well as liver cancer linked to hepatitis B. Finally, to prevent the risk of cancers of the uterus or anus related to the HIV virus, it is recommended that all people with the disease to get tested once a year.

The earlier you catch these infections better your chance to treat or keep these diseases under control. Negligence can result in fatal complication not only to you but also other people you may transmit the infection to.

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